Organize or sponsor a safeTALK workshop
Organizing a safeTALK workshop in your community helps raise participants’ alertness to the dangers of suicide and increases the likelihood that people with thoughts of suicide will be connected to life-saving resources.
When you organize a safeTALK workshop, you will first want to get in touch with a safeTALK trainer in your area. If there aren’t any nearby, many of the 3,300 safeTALK trainers around the world are willing to travel for this purpose. People in your area or organization will be able to register for the workshop, and with your coordination and support, the trainer will help them become more alert to the dangers of suicide.
You can learn more about what is involved by reading the comprehensive safeTALK Organizer Guide. Here are some of the essentials:
- The workshop must be held over three consecutive hours
- It must be conducted by an active trainer
- A community support resource (such as a trained volunteer, safety officer, or mental health professional) must be present to support any participants who experience difficulty
- There should be between ten and 30 participants; 15 or more is ideal
- A large room with audiovisual equipment is required
- Comfort considerations—such as refreshments and soft seats—are important
Organizers typically introduce the trainer and community resource at the start of the workshop. Alternately, an organizer with sufficient knowledge about suicide and suicide intervention could act as the community resource during the workshop as well. Organizers also usually collect participant fees and oversee financial matters. The trainer will purchase workshop materials—including participant workbooks, wallet cards, and stickers—from LivingWorks, and will inform the organizer of these costs.
safeTALK greatly expands the reach and impact of intervention resources in a community or organization. With safeTALK’s suicide alertness skills, people at risk are more likely to get life-saving help when they need it the most. Organizers play a key role in bringing these vital skills to a community or workplace.
For more information about organizing or sponsoring a safeTALK workshop, please contact LivingWorks.