Organize or sponsor a safeTALK T4T

A safeTALK Training for Trainers (T4T) offers a community, region, or organization the chance to create sustainable suicide alertness at the lowest long-term cost. Over the course of a year, a single safeTALK trainer can train dozens or even hundreds of participants in the safeTALK model, increasing the community’s ability to leverage suicide intervention resources. Organizing or sponsoring a safeTALK T4T helps to create a local suicide prevention network and represents a major contribution to the community’s health and wellness.

What's involved?

When thinking about organizing or sponsoring a safeTALK T4T, there are several things to keep in mind. The time commitments for a new safeTALK trainer are significant. All expectations of a T4T participant working to become a Registered Trainer are clearly outlined in our downloadable handout, Essential Information for safeTALK Candidate Trainers.  Candidates must sign off on the expectations before attending the course. The contract between LivingWorks and the T4T sponsor requires that all candidates complete the online registration form. 

Numbers of participants in a safeTALK T4T range between 6 and 10, or 12 and 20. Because many things about the course are tightly structured, ensuring commitment and attendance from the appropriate number of candidates is critical. In consultation with LivingWorks, set the date for the course well in advance and decide upon the target number of candidates. Give everyone time to submit the online registration forms and payment, and allot additional time for adjustments. Please note: All candidates must have attended a two-day ASIST workshop in the 24 months prior to the safeTALK T4T.

Sponsors coordinate with LivingWorks on marketing and registration processes. Sponsors are usually responsible for arranging facilities, equipment, and meals as well as recommending or arranging accommodations, when appropriate. There are very specific room and equipment needs for a T4T. The contract between LivingWorks and the sponsor requires the sponsor to follow these specifications exactly. You can download a checklist of requirements for organizing a safeTALK here.

What are the costs?

Fluctuating travel and exchange rates can increase or decrease T4T costs significantly. Costs are also dependent on facilities, equipment, refreshments, and lunches. 

To learn more, obtain a quote, or take the first steps toward organizing your T4T, please contact We are eager to collaborate in bringing sustainable suicide alertness skills to your community.

Additional Reading