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ASIST Training at Kings Bay
ASIST 11 Workshop English - 2 Day

ASIST 11 Workshop English - 2 Day

LivingWorks ASIST is a two-day face-to-face workshop featuring powerful audiovisuals, discussions, and simulations.

At a LivingWorks ASIST workshop, you'll learn how to prevent suicide by recognizing signs, providing a skilled intervention, and developing a safety plan to keep someone alive.

Two ASIST Trainers will guide you and support you through the course, ensuring your comfort and safety.

Two day - class provides suicide prevention strategies including how to help a person with thoughts of suicide develop a Keep Safe Plan. MUST ATTEND BOTH DAYS CONSECUTIVELY FOR CREDIT

Monday February 10th, 2025 - Tuesday February 11th, 2025
8:30am - 5:00pm
1220 USS Daniel Boone Ave
Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base, Georgia, USA
Registration Deadline
Sunday February 9th, 2025
David Troyer

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