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safeTALK T4T, Melbourne, 12-13 August 2024
safeTALK Training for Trainers (T4T) 2 Day

The safeTALK T4T is a two-day course that prepares participants to be trainers of the safeTALK workshop. New trainers will join a network of over 3,600 active trainers around the world.
The T4T course is the first step toward becoming a registered safeTALK trainer. In the course, attendees learn the content and process of safeTALK and the skills needed to conduct it. The process of becoming a registered safeTALK trainer requires a significant commitment from trainer candidates. The opportunity to provide life-saving suicide alertness skills is well worth the effort.
Before registering, all candidates -
* Must have attended the 2-day ASIST workshop within the past 2 years. (Please do not complete this online expression of interest if you do not meet this prerequisite); and
* Read the Essential Information for safeTALK Trainer Candidates PDF
All T4T candidates must have access to their own laptop (USB compatible), Microsoft Powerpoint and a data projector. This equipment will be needed in the delivery of workshops post-T4T.
Pre-study time prior to the T4T as well as evening work on Day One is required.
Registration cost includes catering (morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea).
If you would like to apply to attend this T4T, please complete this APPLICATION FORM. The LivingWorks team will then review your application and be in contact to discuss next steps.

Monday August 12th, 2024 - Tuesday August 13th, 2024
9:00am - 5:00pm
Novotel Melbourne Central - 399 Little Lonsdale Street
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
$2,000.00 Plus GST
Registration Deadline
Monday August 5th, 2024
LivingWorks Australia
1300 738 382

This workshop is closed and does not allow public registrations.