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SafeTALK Marion County
safeTALK Training - English

SafeTALK Training for Marion County Health and Human Services. 

This workshop trains participants to become alert helpers who can recognize individuals with thoughts of suicide, engage and quickly connect them with someone who can do a suicide intervention. Approved for 3.5 CEs (Oregon NASW).

This is an AGENCY training, cost is reduced and variable. Training spots are generally open to the public 2 weeks prior to the event. You will NOT be able to find this event on our general events page UNLESS spots open. If you would like to be notified if we have openings for this or any other upcoming SafeTALK trainings, you can join our SafeTALK RSVP list here.

Friday December 6th, 2024
8:30am - 12:30pm
3160 Center St NE
Salem, Marion, Oregon, USA
Registration Deadline
Tuesday December 3rd, 2024
Charlette Lumby

Register for Workshop